Bargaining Update--January 24th, 2025

OHSU Research Workers United Bargaining Update - January 24th, 2025

Have you signed your RWU membership card? You can do that now here and read more in our membership FAQ.

Oregon Nurses Union members are on strike at Providence and need support from OHSU union siblings! You can learn more about how to support them at this link.

Hello Research Workers! 

Abigail here, reporting from your RWU Member Action Team. The RWU bargaining team met with OHSU management yesterday, working towards developing our contract. 

Several articles were discussed, which included reaching a TA on the Parking and Transportation article proposed by OHSU in the last session. The counterproposal refined details on RWU’s presence on STPAC, ensuring we are represented when deciding transportation policy, as well as paid release time for those participating on this committee. RWU also expanded the section about inclement weather, ensuring ticketing in OHSU parking lots will not be permitted during these events. 

This session, RWU also proposed counters on Personnel RecordsIntellectual Property, and a Union Rights article that will push for 4 buckets of representation for our union: 

  • Up to ten 10 bargaining unit employees (RWU members on paid release time for work in officer roles and union administration tasks)

  • A team of union stewards; ideally 1 for every 50 employees 

  • 4 lead stewards; 1 for each campus (Marcum Hill, West Campus, South Waterfront, Remote)

  • Non-OHSU union employees (such as our AFSCME Representative)

Additionally, RWU added language about an RWU Union President position that will include 5 paid hours per week of release time paid for by OHSU with additional hours reimbursed by the Union. This article also allows the use of OHSU emails to be used for bargaining updates, meeting announcements, social functions and other union activities. 

OHSU presented an Employment Practices and Procedures article. This article was a catch-all for various employment related topics including: 

  • What information is included in personnel files and their location

  • Remote/hybrid work requests, long term arrangements, technology and equipment accommodations, and mandatory notice from employers when work arrangements need to be adjusted. 

  • Over/underpayment conflicts, resolution processes, and error corrections

  • Reclassification definitions and conditions, request process and implementation timelines, and wage adjustments within the same job series. 

Other reminders:

  • Did you know that RWU has a representative on the OHSU Presidential Search Committee? Lynne Swarbrick is on your RWU bargaining team and if you have thoughts about qualities that you want to see in the next President, she wants to hear from you! Email us at [email protected] and we will pass along your feedback.
  • Join us at our RWU Happy Hour next week at Cha Cha Cha (3135 S Moody Ave.
    Portland, OR) 
    on Wednesday, January 29th from 5-6:30PM. There you can hang with other union activists, get your questions answered, and sign a membership card if you haven't yet. 

Upcoming important dates:

  • Our next RWU bargaining session will be Thursday, February 6th from 1-5pm. You can view the session at this link:

Bargaining Session Observation Link:

Meeting Number:
2867 749 7423

Meeting Password:

Join from a video or application:
Dial [email protected]

You can also dial and enter your meeting number.Join by phone:

Toll Access code: 28677497423

Global call-in numbers:

Your RWU Bargaining Team,

Henry Harrison

Lynne Swarbrick

Victoria Halls

Lillian Raley

Wes Horton

Cort Cox

Anna Levy

Caitlin Burbank